Charmfully Chic

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5 Reasons Why You Need a Binxy Baby Sling

I used to watch those cute little moms at the store who had their little sleeping babies in their little car seats so peacefully shopping. Fast forward a few years and I had my first baby. She hated her car seat. Awesome. She was too small to sit in the little basket so I either had to wear her or try to hold her and awkwardly push the cart at the same time.  I had seen things like this before but not until I had my fourth baby did I actually get one! Binxy baby generously sent me one to try and I am in love! I wish I would have had this four babies ago! Here are some reasons why I love it so much! 

  1. Safety. Placing those baby carriers into the grocery cart baskets is actually not safe at all.  They can easily fall since it isn't snapped in. The first time I used my Binxy baby, I had an older lady come and tell me that she saved a stranger's baby in a cart a few days prior because the car seat was propped up in the basket.  There was a little toddler in the big area of the cart and he grabbed the seat to pull himself up and accidentally knocked it off the basket.  This woman was nearby and she was able to grab the carseat before it hit the ground.  Needless to say, she was thrilled about this Binxy Baby.  She asked me all sorts of questions and wanted every mother to know about this.  

  2. Convenience. I am all about wearing my baby but sometimes your back just needs a break! And whether it's a backpack, wrap, or sling, you don't always have the time to properly put your baby in it. I love that I can quickly grab my baby out of her carseat and put her in this little cart sling in seconds. And it is super simple to install - just snap into place, velcro the strap on each side and you're good to go! And if you are lucky enough that your baby likes her carseat, you can even place the carseat directly into the Binxy baby sling.  It can support up to 50 lbs! 

  3. Visibility.  I am tall and it is still hard to see around the front of the cart when I have a giant carseat blocking my view. I love that she is down lower so I can see and make sure I'm not running over one of my other kids (or someone else's) as they run around the cart. 

  4. Easy to store. I have four young children - needless to say, I have a lot of stuff that I need to take with me whenever I go anywhere.  I love that the Binxy Baby takes up so little space! It is the size of a paper towel roll so I just keep it in my car. 

  5. Fits any sized cart. Costco is amazing in that it has room for two children in the basket.  The only problem is that when I have my two youngest with me, her carseat takes up almost the entire back of the cart and my little guy takes up half of the front basket - which results in a lot less room for anything we need to buy.  When my baby is in the Binxy Baby, I can easily put things underneath her sling and not lose hardy any cart space. 

And the bonus perk - it's super comfortable! I love having comfy little nooks for my children and having a spot with soft fabric, a seatbelt and the convenience of tucking a little blanket around her that won't get dirty or fall on the ground makes my momma heart happy! I highly recommend getting one.  They are worth every penny. 

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